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20th Century Study Guide Assignment

20th Century Study Guide Assignment

Q Study Guide Twentieth Century l, Terms: glissando polychord fourth chord tone cluster polytonality bitonality atonality polyrhythm ostinato impressionism pentatonic scale whole-tone scale neoclassicism primitivism expressionism atonality twelve-tone system sprechstimme tone row 2. This Stravinsky composition started a riot 3. 20th century composers were inspired by 4. Leading scholar of folk music 5. Impressionism originated in 6. Important impressionist composer 7. Impressionist characteristics (music and painters) 8. Neoclassical, and expressionist dates 9. Neoclassical characteristics 10. Neoclassical composers modeled works of what other composers I l. The director of the Russian Ballet, who had a significant impact on Stravinsky, is 12. Stravinsky studied composition with 13. Expressionism was an art concerned with 14. Schoenberg was skilled as a composer and 15. Was Schoenberg self-taught? 16. How was Schoenberg educated 17. Who were Schoenberg's students 18. Why did Schoenberg come to the U.S. 19. What 3 languages were used in A Survivor from Warsaw 20. Webern's music is characterized by 21. Bartok's principal performing medium 22. Bartok was a leading authority on 23. Bartok's __________ were compared to the music of Beethoven 24. Ive's earned a living doing what 25. Characteristics of Ive's music 26. Unusual circumstances regarding Ive's music 27* Gershwin left school to 28. Gershwin worked with what lyricist 29. "Harlem Renaissance" was 30. Biographical information about Still 31. Still composed what types of music 32. Aaron Copland

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1. Glissando: Slide up or down a scale. Polychord: Combination of two chords sounded/heard at the same time. Fourth chord: Chord in which tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third. Tone cluster: Chord made up of tones only a half step or whole step apart. Polytonality: Approach to pitch organization using two or more keys at one time. Bitonality: Approach to pitch organization using two keys at one time. Atonality: Absence of tonality, or key. Polyrhythm: Use of two or more contrasting and independent rhythms at the same time.